The RWU Internship Experience

RWU实习经历为我们的学生探索不同的职业道路提供了机会, gain valuable professional experience, join research projects, and prepare to be career-ready upon graduation. RWU提供实习机会,将课堂学习与行业实践经验相结合, community, and research facilities. 

RWU的学生受益于竞争激烈的实习和研究机会, 小班教学与个性化的关注,从学术和专业合格的教师, 以及有帮助的助学金和经济援助选择,使教育负担得起.

A student interns at Girls, Inc.

Undergraduate Real-World Experience 100% Guaranteed

The RWU difference tailors experience to the student’s program, allowing for high engagement in their chosen career path. 这是我们本科课程的一个组成部分,作为范斯坦服务学习毕业要求和我们学术课程的结构. 

Feinstein Service Learning Graduation Requirement

Graduate with Experience

这些真实的工作经历让你离开教室,获得实践经验. 看看我们的学生如何与专业人士合作解决问题并为组织增加价值.

Measuring Microplastics

Environmental Engineering major Michelle Kryl 是一项长期微塑料采样活动的一部分,该活动的目标是在罗德岛建立一个淡水和大气微塑料测量数据库.

Putting Together a WaterFire

看看MBA学生基根·赫斯顿(Keegan Heston)如何在将普罗维登斯标志性的艺术装置带入生活中发挥了至关重要的作用, 同时培养沟通和管理技能,以进一步发展他的职业生涯.

Reducing Soil Erosion with Soy

Civil Engineering major Nathan Silviera 在实习期间,研究了使用大豆基墨水3D打印的土壤侵蚀控制技术.

Prepared for Anything


Monitoring Water Quality in Warren, R.I.

Environmental Science major Mandi Greenhalgh is 在布里斯托尔县水务局拆除沃伦基基穆特河下游大坝时监测水质.

A Day Inside the R.I. Crime Lab

与法医学专业的Daryn Javer一起走进国家犯罪实验室的幕后工作.

An architecture student presents on their internship.

Graduate Student Internships

Internships are a staple of our hands-on graduate programs. 罗杰威廉姆斯大学提供十多个不同学科的硕士和证书课程, including Architecture and Preservation Practices, Business Administration, Construction Management, Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity; Forensic and legal Psychology and Forensic Mental Health Counseling; Leadership, Public Administration; and Special Education. 

Graduate Programs
A student gets information at an internship fair

Paid and For-Credit Opportunities

By discovering the work students are passionate about, they can enhance their skills, certifications, and qualifications, making them more competitive and prepared for their future jobs. Internship opportunities include for-credit, paid, full-time, and part-time internships with organizations, research internships, student teaching, and service internships.

A group of students in Europe

International Internships


Kelice Agosto

Internship, Leadership Roles Prepare Graduate Student for Clinical Therapist Position

Kelice Agosto, RWU Class of 2023
Forensic Mental Health Counseling

“我在罗德岛州立精神病院的实习帮助我将课堂上学到的知识应用到现实世界中. 我学会了如何对患有严重和持续性精神疾病的人进行能力评估. In my Law and Mental Health class, 我了解到刑事司法系统和精神卫生保健面临的问题. 在实习期间,我亲眼目睹了这些问题是如何影响我治疗的病人的.”

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Internships in the News